Pratham Books

Book Reviews : ‘Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak’ and ‘Cheenu’s Gift’

Earlier this month, we were giving out review copies of few of our books. We were excited to hear what all of you thought of our books (the good things and the bad things!) and hope that this feedback from people (educators, parents, book lovers, children) will help us create better books and help you choose books for your own kids.

This book review comes from Seetharam Bhat who received our books ‘Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak’ and ‘Cheenu’s Gift’

Book: Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak (Hindi)

Review: Nice simple story, with good illustrations and excellent printing, in my daughters view she liked the book because of the idea to use the floor once the slate was filled with the drawing of the train engine, out of the box thinking ( in this case out of the slate thinking…:)). It was a simple story but the idea to use the floor along with the slate helps children to really think of innovative ways towards problem solving. I believe all of us are born with this intuition but lose it along the way with the rigid education structure, stories like this will help children trigger that in them.

Book: Cheenus Gift (English)

Review: The story lucidly brings out the value system of our families, ideas such as love, helping and family bonding are very well illustrated and built into the story line. When Cheenu’s father picks him up from school the big smile on his face is reflective of his love and admiration for his father, when he accompanies him on the Kabadi rounds of the houses-it shows that work is worship, when he helps his father in the collection of old items- it shows that there is dignity in labour, when he helps his father push the heavy cart- it shows concern, helping nature and compassion, when they finally sit down for dinner- shows the value of family bonding, and when he uses the old books to read and learn- shows that knowledge/learning can be had from whichever source and finally it brings out the concept that Reuse, Recycle and Reduce should be the guiding mantra of our lives.
A very thought provoking book indeed.

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