Pratham Books

મારી માતૃભાષા ની મીઠાશ

21st February is International Mother Language Day and our blog is hosting a celebration of languages. A series of blog posts by people from different walks of life – sharing their thoughts on languages, memories and more. International Mother Language Day is an observance held annually on 21 February worldwide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

(This poem was sent to us by Vasant Makwana. Vasant works with Pratham and is the State Head of their Gujarat team.)

Image by Ashok Solanki

મારી માતૃભાષા ની મીઠાશ તો જુઓ,
ખારા નમક ને પણ મીઠુ કહીએ છીએ.
ગર્વ છે *ગુજરાતી* છું.. 
A translation :
Just see the sweetness of my mother language, 
It even calls salty Sodium (Salt), as sweet*!!
I am proud to be a Gujarati
*In Gujarat, salt is known as ‘meetthun’

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