Pratham Books

Attend a Masterclass at JUMPSTART 2016

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For JUMPSTART, we’re taking a trek back to class as this year’s annual festival of content creator’s ‘JUMPSTART’ – Goes to School. Our aim is to provide you a 360 degree view of intersections of children’s content with education. With JUMPSTART 2016, we are inviting content creators, writers, illustrators, educators, teachers, librarians, publishers, thinkers, innovators and provocateurs, digital innovators to travel with us, and our global and local experts, along the wide and varied interface between education in school and children’s content.

This is how various content creators and disseminators can benefit from JUMPSTART this year: 

2nd August, Day 1: Inspiration
Target audience: author, publisher, illustrator, teacher or education technology expert 
Get Inspired by discussions on Innovations in educational content, drama in education, re-imagining the future of education via gamification. What are the evolving pedagogies in classrooms and is the content moving in step with them? What are publishers doing differently in new ecosystems of learning? Are new products being designed differently? 

3rd August, Day 2: Perspiration 

Writer’s masterclass- Ken Spillman 
Target Audience: Editors, Authors 
What does it mean to be a writer every day? Which techniques and methodology can prove to be helpful for a productive writing life? What sort of mind preparation goes into being a successful writer? How does one overcome writer’s block?. Watch the author of 60 books answer these questions and join him for practical writing exercises to unlock the writer within!
Digital learning’s masterclass- Florian Sochatzy 
Target Audience: Digital Publishers, Subject Matter Experts, Instruction designers 
How can didactical concepts be implemented technically? Which design strategies are useful in bringing forth innovation in the context of e-learning? What are the general tools and techniques used for e-publishing? Learn all this and more with our international expert and also design one chapter for multi- media textbook with the master himself
Illustrator’s masterclass- Orit Bergman 
Target Audience: Illustrators, Graphic designers, Authors 
What is the creative process that goes into the making of a picture book? How can picture books help in making our children better readers and writers? What is the use of picture books in primary schools? Watch our Illustration expert from Israel answer these questions and engage in a practical session with her which will make you fall in love with the process of making picture books!!!

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