Pratham Books

At Last – A Vulture Joins the Fray : Jisha Unnikrishnan’s entry for the #6FrameStoryChallenge.

Wondering what the title of this post meant? All the #6FrameStoryChallenge participants has to choose from a word wishlist to create their own stories. Many of the illustrators chose dragons, bears and dinosaurs for their stories. We wondered if anyone would take on the task of illustrating a vulture – and Jisha Unnikrishnan came along and did exactly that! 
Sometimes, less is more. Jisha’s illustrations are a testament to that old saying. We love her minimal usage of colors and the little spatter of red is an inventive touch!
In Jisha’s own words,

“My friend and ex colleague, Soumya, suggested that I join the 6 frame story challenge and forwarded me the blog’s link. I haven’t had this much fun in a long long time! This is my first time illustrating a story and I am glad that it makes for a part of a larger whole.”

Jisha Unnikrishnan’s Illustrations for the #6FrameStoryChallenge by Pratham Books

(Jisha Unnikrishnan is a textile designer and has been working as a research associate with the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad documenting the traditional textiles of North East India).
If you missed the #6FrameStoryChallenge, but are inspired by the work of fellow illustrators and want to contribute to the open source story platform – do send us your stories! Story guidelines are available here.

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