Pratham Books

Andher Nagari Chowpat Raja – A Play for Children

Another event for your kids to attend…

There are any number of comedies for grownups but here is a play “of the children, by the children but not only for the children”. The play, Andher Nagari Chowpat Raja, will be staged at ADA Rangamandira on September 24.

Director Lubiana Kapasi has brought together children aged between 7 and 14 years from different parts of the city for the play, an adaptation of Bharatendu Harishchandra’s Andher Nagari.

“Changes have been made in the original play to make it more understandable and realistic to children. A touch of the current century is given to convey important messages,” says Ms. Kapasi.
The play is being hosted under the aegis of National School of Drama Regional Resource Centre, Bangalore. Tickets are priced at Rs.100. Call 9243009518.

Read more here.Image Source : givepeasachance

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