Pratham Books

Age Restrictions

In news of the strange, a new campaign to do away with age restrictions that might possibly be levied on books.

The Golden Compass author Philip Pullman is leading a campaign to block publishers’ plans to introduce age guidance limits on books – insisting the proposals would be “damaging” to young readers.

Pullman, who penned the His Dark Materials trilogy, from which the 2007 film was adapted, is at the forefront of a group of authors and illustrators who are all unhappy about the plans.

The new guidelines would see children’s books stamped with age limits, in a similar way to the guidance ratings given to movies.

And Pullman has started an online petition to try and stop the new rules being introduced by publishers, insisting the proposals are “ill-conceived and damaging to the interests of young readers”.

via IMDB.
Picture uploaded by hfabulous


  1. Mala June 5, 2008

    Philip Pullman, I’m with you!IMHO, the best way to get children to read is to let them loose in a book shop or library. A ten-year old will read what she can, and doesn’t need to read the stamp ‘For 16 yrs and above’ on a book to know she should not/cannot read ‘The Golden Compass!
    C’mon people, let’s credit kids with some in-born, intuitive intelligence that tells them what to read or not read!

  2. Tanveer Shah February 25, 2017

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