Pratham Books

65,000 Books for 1,000 libraries – Thank you Pearson!

Last year, Pearson Education inked a memorandum of understanding with Pratham Books to promote reading among children who had less or no access to books (More information here). As part of Pearson’s CSR, they donated a percentage of their sales generated through textbook sales to enable Pratham Books to donate several sets of books to under-served schools/libraries. Pratham Books is delighted to be part of this cause and happy to collaborate with Pearson to get books in hands of many many children.
Today is International Book Giving Day! And what a coincidence that it is also Valentine’s Day! Pratham Books is spreading the love for reading to lakhs of children across the country. We hadn’t planned it this way, but turns out that we will be shipping 65,000 books to over 1000 libraries across the country this week! So, it is going to be BOOK GIVING WEEK at Pratham Books !

Thank you Pearson for helping us on our journey of ‘a book in every child’s hand’!

Spread the love for reading on this beautiful day by giving a book, donating a book or leaving a book for it to be discovered. Or, you can go through this list of NGOs who need books and choose to donate books to them. Visit the International Book Giving Day blog for more ideas.

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