Pratham Books

25 Highly Anticipated Open-Source Releases for 2009

At Pratham Books, we love ‘open source’ news. We ourselves are closely involved with a few open-source projects and look forward to collaborating on more projects. Computer World has a list of 25 open-source projects to watch out for this year. One of our favourite projects is listed too:

Literacy Bridge created the Talking Book Device, an open-source digital audio player and recorder specifically designed for people living in poverty. Over the short term, Talking Book Devices will serve as mechanisms for the rapid and free distribution of essential, accurate information via device-to-device sharing. Over the long term, say its organizers, Talking Books facilitate literacy learning. A pilot project was launched in Ghana early in 2009, enabling undergraduate students at MIT and other volunteers to collect information regarding device functionality and durability.

Read the entire article here.

Psst: A bright orange talking book is sitting in our office too. If any of you are in Bangalore, come take a look at it.

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